Adam S.Z. Belloum /
Computing in the Web Browser
Transforming the Web Browser into a Scientific Computing Platform
Unlocking the Power of Browsers
The exponential growth of scientific data is outpacing traditional computational resources. The question is: how can we harness accessible and ubiquitous technology to tackle this challenge? The answer lies in an unexpected yet powerful tool—the web browser.
The Vision
Imagine transforming your everyday web browser into a computing powerhouse. With billions of devices
equipped with browsers, the untapped potential of browser-based computing could revolutionize scientific
collaboration and discovery. This concept builds on the principles of volunteer computing but makes
participation seamless and user-friendly through advances in web technology.
Why Now?
Modern browsers, powered by technologies like HTML5, WebCL, and WebGL, are more capable than ever.
These innovations allow browsers to:
Run complex computations using web workers without disrupting user experience.
Utilize GPU power for high-performance tasks directly from JavaScript.
Handle data-intensive applications, bridging the gap between traditional computing and cutting-edge scientific research.
Proof of Concept
We’ve developed a prototype that leverages browser capabilities to perform scientific computations. Visitors to our website can contribute their browser’s idle processing power to solve research problems in real time. Tasks are distributed from our server, computed in the background, and sent back, creating a collaborative, decentralized computing platform.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the potential is immense, several challenges must be addressed:
Scalability: Managing millions of users requires robust backend systems and load-balancing mechanisms.
Performance: Advancing GPU integration via WebCL could unlock unprecedented processing speeds.
Security: Ensuring data integrity and preventing misuse remain critical concerns for user trust.
More details about this work can be found in:
[1] Distributed computing on an Ensemble of Browsers, R. Cushing, G.a Putra, S. Koulouzis, A.S.Z Belloum, M.T. Bubak, C. de Laat IEEE Internet Computing, PrePress 10.1109/MIC.2013.3, January 2013.
[2] Workflow Orchestration On WeevilScout, Ganeshwara Herawan Hananda Putra, MSc thesis University of Amsterdam March 4, 2013.

Figure 1: Social media plays a crucial part in garner web browser computing resources. Social media also mediates the trust between the user and the clients asked to join the network. In (1) a user with a distributed application uses social media to get colleagues and friends (2) to join the network by simply sharing a URL. Clients navigate to the URL (3) and start computing in the browser.