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  • Z. Yang, C. Papagianni, A. Belloum, and P. Grosso. An Architectural Framework for 6G Network Digital Twins System. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom '24), New York, NY, USA, 2437–2441.

  • S. Patil and A. S. Z. A. Belloum, "Processing FHIR in modern Data Lakehouse," 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Osaka, Japan, 2024, doi: 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678734.

  • R. F. Spanjer and A. S. Z. Belloum, "Protocol-Level Kafka Controls in a Customizable Proxy," 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Osaka, Japan, 2024, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678687.

  • J. Alsayed Kassem, C. Allaart, S. Amiri, M.n Kebede, T. Müller, R. Turner, A. Belloum, L. T. van Binsbergen, P. Grunwald, Aart van Halteren, P. Grosso, Laat, and S. Klous. Building a Digital Health Twin for Personalized Intervention: The EPI Project. In Commit2Data. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 124, pp. 2:1-2:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)



  • Xin Zhao, Belloum, A.S.Z., et al. Costly incentives design from an institutional perspective: cooperation, sustainability and affluence,September 2022, Volume 478Issue 2265

  • C. A. Esterhuyse, T. Müller, L. T. Van Binsbergen and A. S. Z. Belloum, "Exploring the Enforcement of Private, Dynamic Policies on Medical Workflow Execution," 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2022, pp. 481-486, doi: 10.1109/eScience55777.2022.00086.​​

  •  Saba Amiri and Eric Nalisnick and A. S. Z. Belloum and Sander Klous and Leon Gommans Generating Heavy-Tailed Synthetic Data with Normalizing Flows, The 5th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling, 2022,

  • S. Amiri, A. Belloum, E. Nalisnick, S. Klous and L. Gommans, "On the impact of non-IID data on the performance and fairness of differentially private federated learning," 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2022, pp. 52-58, doi: 10.1109/DSN-W54100.2022.00018.


  • Saba Amiri*, A. S. Z. Belloum, Sander Klous2, Leon Gommans , Compressive Differentially-Private Federated Learning Through Universal Vector Quantization, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org

  • Bobák, M., Hluchý, L., Habala, O., Tran, V., Cushing, R., Valkering, O., Belloum, A., Graziani, M., Müller, H., Madougou, S., & Maassen, J. (2021). Reference Exascale Architecture (Extended Version). COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 39(4), 644–677. 

  • Cushing, R., Valkering, O., Belloum, A., Madougou, S., Maassen, J., Bobák, M., Habala, O., Tran, V., Meizner, J., Nowakowski, P., Graziani, M., & Müller, H. (2021). PROCESS Data Infrastructure and Data Services. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 39(4), 724–756.


  • X. Zhou et al., "Policy Enforcement for Secure and Trustworthy Data Sharing in Multi-domain Infrastructures," 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE), 2020, pp. 104-113, doi: 10.1109/BigDataSE50710.2020.00022.

  • Osório A.L., Camarinha-Matos L.M., Afsarmanesh H., Belloum A. (2020) Liability in Collaborative Maintenance of Critical System of Systems. In: Camarinha-Matos L.M., Afsarmanesh H., Ortiz A. (eds) Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0. PRO-VE 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 598. Springer, Cham.

  • S. Heldens,P. Hijma, B. Van Werkhoven, J. Maassen, A. Belloum, R Van Nieuwpoort “The Landscape of Exascale Research: A Data-Driven Literature Analysis” ACM Computing Surveys, March 2020 Article No.: 23

  • M.Gerhards, V. Sander, M. Živković, A.S.Z. Belloum,  M. Bubak, “New Approach to Allocation Planning of Many-task Workflows on Clouds” in press of the Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, DOI:10.1002/cpe.540


  •  Ladislav Hluchý et al. "Heterogeneous Exascale Computing" Springer book on  Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering, Volume Dedicated to Imre J. Rudas’ Seventieth Birthday, DOI 978-3-030-14350-3_5

  • Belloum ASZ, Koulouzis S, Wiktorski T, Manieri A. Bridging the demand and the offer in data science. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2019;e5200.

  • H. Spreeuw, S. Madougou, R. Van Haren, B. Weel, A. Belloum and J. Maassen, "Unlocking the LOFAR LTA," 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), San Diego, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 467-470, doi: 10.1109/eScience.2019.00061. 

  • R. Cushing, O. Valkering, A. Belloum and C. d. Laat, "Towards a New Paradigm for Programming Scientific Workflows," 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), San Diego, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 604-608, doi: 10.1109/eScience.2019.00083.

  • M. Bobák et al., "Reference Exascale Architecture," 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), San Diego, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 479-487, doi: 10.1109/eScience.2019.00063.


  • Rosco Kalis and  Adam S.Z. Belloum Validating data integrity using blockchain technology, International Workshop on  Resource brokering with blockchain (RBchain), In conjunction with CloudCom 2018, December 10 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus


  • Mikolaj Branowski and Adam S.Z.  Belloum Cookery: A Framework for creating data processing pipeline using online   services, IEEE eScience, October 29 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


  • Martin Bobák, Adam S. Z. Belloum, Piotr Nowakowski, Jan Meizner, Marian Bubak, Matti Heikkurinen, Ondrej Habala, Ladislav Hluchý. Exascale computing and data architectures for brownfield applications. In ICNC-FSKD 2018: 14th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge pp. 461-468. ISBN 978-1-5386-8097-1. July 2018.


  • A. Luis Osório, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, and Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Adam Belloum, On Reliable Collaborative Multimodal Services, PRO-VE 2018. 19th IFIP / SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises 17-19 September 2018 – Cardiff, UK.  


  • A. Luis Osório, Adam Belloum, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, and Luis M. Camarinha-Matos,  Agnostic Informatics System of Systems: The Open ISoS Services Framework, PRO-VE 2017. 18th IFIP / SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises 118-20 Sep 2017, Vicenza (Italy) 





  • S. Koulouzis, A.S.Z Belloum, Z. Zhao, M. Zivkovic,  M.T. Bubak, and C. de Laat, SDN-Aware Data Transfers for Scientific Applications, Volume 56, March 2016, Pages 64–76 FGCS journal. 2015, PrePrints, doi:10.1016/j.future.2015.09.032 

  • S. Koulouzis, Z. Zhao, M. Zivkovic, A.S.Z Belloum, M.T. Bubacka, D.F.C. Romao, S. Konstantaras, C. de Laat, SDN-Aware Data Transfers for Scientific Applications,  Future Generation Computer Systems  journal. 2015


  • Spiros Koulouzis, Adam S.Z. Belloum, and Marian T. Bubak “Data Access Profiles of VPH Applications” VPH workshop, Virtual Physiological Human conference (VPH 2016) Amsterdam 26-28 September 2016.




  • S. Koulouzis, P. Lamata, D. Nolte, A.S.Z Belloum, M. Bubak,Cees de Laat, Distributed Data Management for VPH Applications, IEEE Internet Computing, no. 1, pp. 1, PrePrints PrePrints, doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.71.


  • R. Cushing, A.S.Z Belloum, M. Bubaka, Cees de Laat, Towards A Data Processing Plane: An Automata-based Distributed Dynamic Data Processing Model, Future Generation Computer Systems  journal (revision 1).


  • M. Barnowski, A.S.Z Belloum, M Bubak, Cookery: a Framework for developing  Cloud Applications,  13th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance and computing and simulation (HPCS 2015), July 22-24, Amsterdam, The Netherlands





  • J. Serrat, T. Szepieniec, A.S.Z. Belloum, J. Rubio-Loyola, O. Appleton, T. Schaaf, J. Kocot, gSLM: The Initial Steps for the Specification of a Service Management Standard for Federated e-Infrastructures, 8th IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems CONFENIS 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam


  • Artem Chirkin, A.S.Z. Belloum and S. V. Kavalchuk, Execution Time Estimation fro workflow scheduling, workshop on Workflows in support for large scale Science, Held in conjunction with SC 14 and in-cooperation with SIGHPC, Nov. 16, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana.


  • R. Cushing, A.S.Z Belloum, M.T Bubak, A. Oprescu, C.T.M. de Laat, Exploratory Data Processing Using Non-deterministic Finite Automata, workshop on Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments on Clouds and P2P - LSDVE 2014 held  in conjunction of Euro-Par 2014 Porto, Portugal.


  • S. Koulouzis, D. Vasyunin, A.S.Z Belloum, and M.T. Bubak, Data Storage Federation for VPH Applications, submitted to Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014, T rondheim September 9-12, 2014

  • Barros R.S., van Geldermalsen S., Boers A.M.M., Belloum A.S.Z., Marquering H.A., Olabarriaga S.D, Heterogeneous Platform Programming for High Performance Medical Imaging Processing.  Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8374. Springer, Berlin, Heidelber 

  • R. Cushing, S.s Koulouzis, A.S.Z. Belloum, M.T. Bubak, Applying Workflow as a Service Paradigm to Application Farming  CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, published online: 28 JUN 2013, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3073


  • R. Cushing, G.a Putra, S. Koulouzis, A.S.Z Belloum, M.T. Bubak, C. de Laat Distributed Computing on an Ensemble of Browsers IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE, vol.17, no.5, pp.54,61, Sept.-Oct. 2013, doi: 10.1109/MIC.2013.3


  • M. Baranowski, A.S.Z Belloum, M.T Bubak. Constructing workflows from script applications Scientific Programming, IOS Press (2013) 20 (2012/2013) 359–377, DOI 10.3233/SPR-120358


  • Rudolf Strijkers, Reginald Cushing, Marc X. Makkes, Pieter Meulenhoff, A.S.Z. Belloum, Cees de Laat, and Robert Meijer, Towards an Operating System for Intercloud, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Bristol, Dec  2013.


  • Yuri Demchenko, David Bernstein, A.S.Z. Belloum, Ana Oprescu, Tomasz W. Wlodarczyk, and Cees de Laa, New Instructional Models for Building Effective Curricula on Cloud Computing Technologies and Engineering, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Bristol, Dec  2013.


  • S. Koulouzis, D. Vasyunin, R.S. Cushing & A.S.Z. Belloum, Cloud Data Storage Federation for Scientific Applications. In Euro-Par 2013/ BigDataCloud.


  • R. Cushing, M.T. Bubak, A.S.Z. Belloum & C. de Laat. Beyond Scientific Workflows: Networked Open Processes. In IEEE e-Science 2013 workshop on Analyzing and Improving Collaborative eScience with Social Networks.


  • M. Gerhards, V. Sander, and A. Belloum: Seamlessly Enabling the Use of Cloud Resources in Workflows, CLOUD COMPUTING 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, Valencia, Spain, May 2013 


  • M. Gerhards, M. Jagodzinska, V. Sander, and A.S.Z. Belloum, Realizing the flexible Integration of Cloud Resources into Workflows,  International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (Journal), Special Issue on Cloud Computing and Service, Volume 8 December 2023, pp 57-69. sai:itssa.0008.2012.019


  • A.S.Z. Belloum, T. Szepieniec, J. Kocot, T. Schaaf, O. Appleton, M. Heikkurinen, J. Serrat-Fernandez & M Metzker (2012). On Importance of Service Level Management in Grids. In E. Jeannot, R. Namyst & J. Roman (Eds.), workshop proceedings of Euro-Par 2011, part of the LNCS series of Springer (pp. 64-75). Springer.


  • A. Wibisono, R. Koning, P. Grosso, A.S.Z. Belloum, M.T. Bubak & C.T.A.M. de Laat (2012). OIntEd: Online Ontology Instance Editor Enabling A New Approach on Ontology Development. Software, practice & experience, 42(8).


  • R.S. Cushing, A.S.Z. Belloum, V. Korkhov, D. Vasyunin, M.T. Bubak & C.A.D. Leguy (2012). Workflow as a Service: An Approach to Workflow Farming. In 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Computational Methods for the Life Sciences (ECMLS) in conjunction with the ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC). Delft, The Netherlands.


  • R. Cushing, S. Koulouzis, A.S.Z. Belloum & M. Bubak (2011). Prediction-based auto-scaling of scientific workflows. In MGC '11 Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science (pp. 1-6).

  • R. Strijkers, R. Cushing, D. Vasyunin, C. de Laat, A.S.Z. Belloum & R. Meijer (2011). Toward executable scientific publications. In M. Sato, S. Matsuoka, P.M. Sloot, G.D. van Albada & J. Dongarra (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2011) Vol. 4. Procedia Computer Science (pp. 707-715). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  • R. Cushing, S. Koulouzis, A. Belloum & M. Bubak (2011). Dynamic handling for cooperating scientific web services. In Proceedings of the seventh e–Science conference (pp. 232-239). IEEE.

  • C.A.D. Leguy, E.M.H. Bosboom, A.S.Z. Belloum, A.P.G. Hoeks & F.N. van de Vosse (2011). Global sensitivity analysis of a wave propagation model for arm arteries. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(8), 1008-1016.[go to publisher's site]

  • F. Berretz, S. Skorupa, V. Sander, A. Belloum & M. Bubak (2011). Actor-driven workflow execution in distributed environments. In M.R. Guarracino, F. Vivien, J.L. Tr\"aff, M. Cannataro, M. Danelutto, A. Hast, F. Perla, A. Kn\"upfer, B. Di Martino & M. Alexander (Eds.), Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops Vol. 6586. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 287-294). Heidelberg: Springer.[go to publisher's site]

  • F. Berretz, S. Skorupa, V. Sander, A. Belloum & M. Bubak (2011). Actor-driven workflow execution in distributed environments. In M.R. Guarracino, F. Vivien, J.L. Träff, M. Cannataro, M. Danelutto, A. Hast, F. Perla, A. Knüpfer, B. Di Martino & M. Alexander (Eds.), Euro-Par 2010 parallel processing workshops: HeteroPar, HPPC, HiBB, CoreGrid, UCHPC, HPCF, PROPER, CCPI, VHPC: Ischia, Italy, August 31-September 3, 2010: Revised selected papers Vol. 6586. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 287-294). Heidelberg: Springer.[go to publisher's site]

  • R. Cushing, S. Koulouzis, R. Strijkers, A. Belloum & M. Bubak (2011). Service Level Management for Executable Papers. In E. Jeannot, R. Namyst & J. Roman (Eds.), Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing: 17th International Conference, Euro-Par 2011: Bordeaux, France, August 29-September 2, 2011: proceedings. Heidelberg: Springer.[go to publisher's site]

  • M. Gerhards, V. Sander, A. Belloum, D. Vasunin & A. Benabdelkader (). HisT/PLIER: A two-fold Provenance Approach for Grid-enabled Scientific Workflows using WS-VLAM. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/ACM 12th International Conference on Grid Computing (pp. 224-225).[go to publisher's site]


  • F. Berretz, S. Skorupa, V. Sander & A. Belloum (2010). Towards an actor-driven workflow management system for Grids. In International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2010), Chicago, IL, USA (pp. 611-616).

  • R. Strijkers, M. Cristea, V. Korkhov, D. Marchal, A. Belloum, C. de Laat & R. Meijer (2010). Network resource control for grid workflow management systems. In Proceedings of the 2010 6th World Congress on Services (SERVICES-1), Miami, FL (pp. 318-325). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.

  • I. Altintas, M.K. Anand, D. Crawl, S. Bowers, A. Belloum, P. Missier, B. Ludäscher, C.A. Goble & P.M.A. Sloot (2010). Understanding collaborative studies through interoperable workflow provenance. In D.L. McGuinness, J.R. Michaelis & L. Moreau (Eds.), Provenance and annotation of data and processes: The 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW 2010), Troy, NY, USA Vol. 6378. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 42-58). Berlin: Springer.

  • S. Koulouzis, E. Zudilova-Seinstra & A. Belloum (2010). Data transport between visualization web services for medical image analysis. In P.M.A. Sloot, G.D. van Albada & J. Dongarra (Eds.), ICCS 2010 Vol. 1. Procedia Computer Science (pp. 1721-1730). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  • R.J. Strijkers, W. Toorop, A. van Hoof, P. Grosso, A. Belloum, D. Vasuining, C. de Laat & R. Meijer (2010). AMOS: Using the cloud for on-demand execution of e-Science applications. In Proceedings of the 2010 sixth IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2010) (pp. 331-338). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.

  • M Gerhards, A. Belloum, F. Berretz, V. Sander & S. Skorupa (2010). A history-tracing XML-based provenance framework for workflows. In 5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS10), New Orleans, LA, USA Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science.


  • M.A. Inda, M.F. van Batenburg, M. Roos, A.S.Z. Belloum, D. Vasunin, A. Wibisono, A.H.C. van Kampen & T.M. Breit (2008). SigWin-detector: A Grid-enabled workflow for discovering enriched windows of genomic features related to DNA sequences. BMC Research Notes, 1, 63.

  • Z. Zhao, A. Belloum, M. Bubak & B. Hertzberger (2008). Support for cooperative experiments in VL-e: from scientific workflows to knowledge sharing. In Fourth IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2008) (pp. 329-330). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.

  • A. Wibisono, Z. Zhao, A. Belloum & M. Bubak (2008). A framework for interactive parameter sweep applications. In M. Bubak, G.D. van Albada, J. Dongarra & P.M.A. Sloot (Eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2008: 8th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, June 23-25, 2008: Proceedings, part III Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 481-490). Berlin: Springer.

  • A. Wibisono, Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum & M.T. Bubak (2008). Towards a Virtual Laboratory for interactive parameter Sweep applications on the Grid. In M.T. Bubak, M. Turala & K. Wiatr (Eds.), Cracow'07 Grid Workshop: October 15--17, 2007 Cracow, Poland (pp. 266-271). Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH.[go to publisher's site]


  • A. Wibisono, D. Vasyunin, V. Korkhov, Z. Zhao, A. Belloum, C. de Laat, P. Adriaans & B. Hertzberger (2007). WS-VLAM: A GT4 based workflow management system. In Y. Shi, G.D. van Albada & J. Dongarra (Eds.), International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), Beijing, China Vol. 4489. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 191-198). Berlin: Springer.

  • Z. Zhao, A. Belloum, C. de Laat, P. Adriaans & B. Hertzberger (2007). Distributed execution of aggregated multi domain workflows using an agent framework. In L.J. Zhang, T.J. Watson, J. Yang & P.C.K. Hung (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007) (pp. 183-190). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.

  • Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, C.T.A.M. de Laat, P.W. Adriaans & B. Hertzberger (2007). Using Jade agent framework to prototype an e-Science workflow bus. In Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGrid 2007 (pp. 655-660).

  • V. Korkhov, D. Vasunin, A. Wibisono, A.S.Z. Belloum, M.A. Inda, M. Roos & T.M. Breit (2007). Interactive dataflow driven workflow engine for Grid enabled resources Scientific Programming. Journal of Scientific Programming, 15(3), 173-188.


  • S.D. Olabarriaga, P.T. Boer, K. Maheshwari, A.S.Z. Belloum, J.G. Snel, A.J. Nederveen & M.C. Bouwhuis (2006). Virtual Lab for fMRI: Bridging the Usability Gap. In Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'06) (pp. 53-53).

  • Z. Zhao, S. Booms, A.S.Z. Belloum, C.T.A.M. de Laat & L.O. Hertzberger (2006). VLE-WFBus: a scientific workflow bus for multi e-Science domains. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International conference on e-Science and Grid computing (pp. 11-19). IEEE Computer Society Press.

  • V.J. Guevara Masis, H.H. Yakali, A.S.Z. Belloum, C.T.A.M. de Laat & L.O. Hertzberger (2006). Improving automatic data structure generation for e-science applications. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. IEEE Computer Society Press.

  • V.J. Guevara Masis, K. Krommydas, A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2006). Semantic workflow discovery in VL-e. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Grid Technologies for Knowledge-based Industries and Businesses. Helsinki, Finland.

  • M.A. Inda, A.S.Z. Belloum, M. Roos, D. Vasunin, C.T.A.M. de Laat, L.O. Hertzberger & T.M. Breit (2006). Interactive Workflows in a Virtual Laboratory for e-Bioscience: The SigWin-Detector Tool for Gene Expression Analysis. In Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (pp. 19).


  • V. Korkhov, A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2005). Evaluating Meta-scheduling Algorithms in VLAM-G environment. In ASCI 2004 conference proceedings.

  • Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, H.H. Yakali & P.M.A. Sloot (2005). Dynamic Workflow in a Grid Enabled Problem Solving Environment. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (pp. 339-345). Shanghai: IEEE Computer Society Press.

  • Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, A. Wibisono, F. Terpstra, P.T. Boer, P.M.A. Sloot & L.O. Hertzberger (2005). Scientific workflow management: between generality and applicability. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Quality Software. Melbourne: IEEE Computer Society Press.

  • Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, P.M.A. Sloot & L.O. Hertzberger (2005). Agent technology and scientific workflow management in an e-Science environment. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (pp. 19-23). Hongkong: IEEE Computer Society Press.

  • Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, P.M.A. Sloot & L.O. Hertzberger (2005). Agent Technology and Generic Workflow Management in an e-Science Environment. In P.M.A. Sloot, A.G. Hoekstra, T. Priol, Hai Zuge & G.C. Fox (Eds.), Grid and Cooperative Computing- GCC 2005: 4th International Conference Bejing China Vol. 3795. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 480-485).

  • V. Korkhov, A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2004). VL-e: Approach to design a Grid-based Virtual Laboratory. In Proceedings of the 5th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems. Budapest.

  • Z.W. Hendrikse, A.S.Z. Belloum, P. Jonkergouw, G.B. Eijkel, L.O. Hertzberger, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat & D. Vasunin (2003). Evaluating the VLAM-G toolkit on the DAS-2. Future Generation Computer Systems, 19(6), 814-824.

  • A.S.Z. Belloum, D.L. Groep, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat & D. Vasunin (2003). VLAM-G: A Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory. Future Generation Computer Systems, 19, 209-217.


  • A.S.Z. Belloum, D.L. Groep, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat & D. Vasunin (2002). A Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory. In TERENA Networking Conference 2002 Proceedings.

  • A.S.Z. Belloum, E.C. Kaletas, A.W. van Halderen, H. Afsarmanesh, L.O. Hertzberger & A.J.H. Peddemors (2002). A Scalable Web Server Architecture. World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems, 5(1), 5-23.

  • A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2002). Concurrent Evaluation of Web Cache Replacement and Coherence Strategies. SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 78(1), 28-35.

  • H. Afsarmanesh, R.G. Belleman, A.S.Z. Belloum, A. Benabdelkader, J.F.J. van den Brand, G.B. Eijkel, A. Frenkel, C. Garita, D.L. Groep, R.M.A. Heeren, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, J.A. Kaandorp, E.C. Kaletas, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat, P.M.A. Sloot, D. Vasunin, A. Visser & H.H. Yakali (2002). VLAM-G: A Grid-based virtual laboratory. Scientific Programming, 10(2), 173-181.


  • A.S.Z. Belloum, Z.W. Hendrikse, D.L. Groep, E.C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh & L.O. Hertzberger (2001). The Vlam-G abstract machine: a data and process handling system on the Grid. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN) (pp. 81-93.

  • A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2001). Concurrent evaluation of web cache replacement and coherence. Simulation Journal, 77(1).


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  • A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (2000). Maintaining Document Coherency in a www Environment. Information Research Journal, 6(1).

  • A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (1998). Dealing with one-timer-documents in web caching. In In proc. of the EUROMICRO '98 (pp. 544-550).

  • A.S.Z. Belloum & L.O. Hertzberger (1998). Replacement strategies dedicated to web caching. In In proc. of the ISIC/CIRA/ISAS '98 (pp. 577-584).

  • A.S.Z. Belloum, A.J.H. Peddemors & L.O. Hertzberger (1998). JERA: Ascalable Web Server. In In proc. of the PDDA '98 (pp. 576-581).

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