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For MSc students looking for  final projects 


  1. Data marketplace and exchange concepts [read description]

  2. Parallel Mining [read description]

  3. Secure storage and data access [read description]

  4. Data storage integration and transparency [read description]

  5. Efficient data movement [read description]

  6. Dynamic resource provisioning and management  [read description]

  7. Exascale computing Analysis of existing services for extremely large data application [read description]

  8. Data Delivery service for extreme data application  [read description]

  9. Collaborative scientific workflow systems  [read description]

  10. Secure and trusted storage and data access  [read description]

  11. Smart file based datastores  [read description]

  12. Local execution environment for urgent complex application  [read description]

  13. Workflow system linkages provenance  [read description]

  14. Declarative query language  [read description]

  15. Dynamic resource provisioning and management  [read description]

  16. Composition and orchestration service  [read description]

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