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PhD theses I'm co-promoting




  1. Saba Amiri "Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Collaborative Framework To Realize the Data Analytics Aspects of Digital Health Twin" Promotor Prof. Sander Klous, Prof. Leon Gommans.

  2. Xin Zhou "Policy enforcement and incentive mechanism design for preventing non-compliant behavior in data sharing" Prof. Tom van Engers, Proof. Prof. Cees de Laat


  1. Luís Osório, Open Informatics System of Systems (ISoS)  in Collaborative Networks,"  PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Promotor Prof. Hamideh Afsarmanash. Dec 2020 [pdf]

  2. Spiros Koulouzis “Cloud Data Storage Federation for Scientific Applications” PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Promotor Prof. M.T. Bubak, October 2016.[pdf]

  3. Reginald Cushing “Decentralized Data Centric approach to workflow management on Clouds and Grids” (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Promotor Prof. C.T.A De Laat and Prof. M.T. Bubak, defense November 2015.[pdf]

  4. Vladimir Korkhov  “Hierarchical resource management in grid computing”, PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Promotor Prof. P.M.A Sloot, April 2009.[pdf]

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